Sunday, March 15, 2015

Going home..

It's definitely been a tough and trying few days. The doctors are still stumped and don't know where the fluid is coming from. I have been on a medication to help her heart pump a little stronger to see if it helps lower the fluids, however, it's such a slow process it could take some time still. The doctor came in today and ran a quick ultrasound. Since it's such a slow process, she can't really tell if the fluid has gotten better or worse. She was reassured that it is continuing to stay away from the heart and lungs, and that there weren't any drastic changes in the current fluid just from seeing with the naked eye. The MFM team discussed and agreed upon us going home for the night to be with Carsyn and get to sleep in our own bed. Maybe it would be a little less stressful on me, and in turn help Kennedy. I am continuing my medication, and we have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, March 16, back in Ann Arbor. We also then have another appointment in Ann Arbor scheduled for Wednesday, March 18, where we will reevaluate again, and also meet with the surgeon that will be working on Kennedy.

We are praying the fluid level stays the same or gets better, and pray it stays away from her heart and lungs. I am pretty nervous being home now, but I am so happy to be with my girls for the night and day.  I'm hoping I can relax a little bit and get some better rest than I have been in the hospital.

Thank you all for your loving prayers and support.

1 comment:

  1. I pray for you and Kennedy daily Ana. May you feel God's presence beside you always.
